Thursday, May 26, 2005

Lindsay Lohan and Jared Leto Party Together

Lindsay after SNL
Originally uploaded by Bricks and Stones.
Lindsay Lohan has been spotted out on the town with Scarlett Johansson and Cameron Diaz's ex-boyfriend, Jared Leto. According to the New York Post, the pair were spotted together at the Saturday Night Live afterparty at the weekend, but Jared was more interested in acting like a big brother than a boyfriend. "A guy got drunk and got into a small argument next to their table on the stage," a snoop reveals. "Jared acted like security and held up the guy onto the wall to try to calm him down. A staffer ran up and said, 'Be nice to the kid, he just drank a little too much - it happens.'" However, the pair didn't let the incident spoil their evening and, after Jared had let the guy go, they carried on dancing and drinking until six in the morning. (26 May, 2005, 9AM) SOURCE: NEW YORK POST