Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Lindsay are you OK?

Lohan Car Crash
Originally uploaded by Bricks and Stones.
Lohan in Car Crash

Lindsay Lohan emerged unscathed, but a photographer was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon after hitting the Mean Girls star's car while allegedly following her, according to Los Angeles police.

Galo Ramirez, 24, was released on $35,000 bail after colliding with Lohan's car Tuesday, a watch commander at the LAPD's Wilshire station tells the Associated Press.

Lohan, 18, was not injured in the accident, and her mother, Dina, said in a statement: "I thank God my daughter was able to walk out of the car."

The incident is one in a series of recent close calls between photogs and the stars they apparently are chasing.