Are the characters from Laguna Beach using fake names?
I am posting this again because it seems to be a popular subject if anyone has any new information please comment. Thanks.
One of the above photos caption's is: Look at how big Chris's boobs are, the other caption says Rayne and Khaley drinken pirates.
RE: LAGUNA BEACH IS FAKE Apparently there are some photos on Lo's webshots, under the captions she has different names listed for the following.....
To visit "Lo's" webshot page Click Here!!
I saw that and was thinking the same thing. I kept staring at the picture of LC and Kristin in the picture together hugging. Also if you look at the captions it has...
Lo's name as Rayne
Dieter's name as Marc
LC's name as Khaley
and Morgan's name as Chris
What's the deal???

RE: LAGUNA BEACH IS FAKE Apparently there are some photos on Lo's webshots, under the captions she has different names listed for the following.....
To visit "Lo's" webshot page Click Here!!
I saw that and was thinking the same thing. I kept staring at the picture of LC and Kristin in the picture together hugging. Also if you look at the captions it has...
Lo's name as Rayne
Dieter's name as Marc
LC's name as Khaley
and Morgan's name as Chris
What's the deal???
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