The Next Big Tom Cruise Story is about to hit

The funny thing, for me, is that I don't really care what religious group he wants to be a part of in his real life. And given the amount of money his face and skills can generate, I don't think Hollywood does either. But proselytizing is bad, bad, bad for business.
As I always have said about Ms. Lohan... "whore" is not a problem... "white trash" is a disaster.
Meanwhile... ironically... things seem to be going very smoothly and quietly on the Mission: Impossible 3 set. Concerns that JJ Abrams would be told how to tie his shoes every morning by Cruise have not played out. And the media buzz has been as low as Cruise has seen all year.
Nonetheless, a little tsunami is coming, sure to be followed by waves of denials. Sigh…"
What in the world could it be? Could Tom be announcing to the world he is gay, or maybe Katie Holmes is pregnant with his Alien spawn? Source:
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