Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Girls Next Door have accomplished their Goal in Life.....To be in Playboy


Sorry my friends always yell at me if I don't do that.....

Yeah Girls you have managed to accomplish your life long dream of making it into Playboy. I guess now that you have some notoriety you can dump that wrinkled old raisin and get yourself a real hot man. Honestly, I am still confused by this do girls that date Hef really sleep with him? I mean come on money or no money I get sick everytime I think about it. Ewww! I have to admit I do love, "The Girls Next Door" I have never missed an episode. I actually like Holly cause she is kind of bitchy when they have the confessional talks, its funny!

Of course their are some naked pictures so if your at work watch out!! CENSORED! Sorry I wanted to see how they turned out.....
