Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My Fair Brady on Howard Stern

I love My Fair Brady. It is like watching a train wreck. I have to admit these two wheeled me in on the Surreal Life and then I was pleasantly surprised when My Fair Brady hit the airwaves. As I have mentioned before I love Reality TV. I can watch almost anything "Real" except American Idol, I hate American Idol. Anyway apparently Adrienne and Peter were on Howard Stern this morning (sorry I missed it) but someone caught it and had this little recap of the show.....

"Adrienne Curry and Peter Brady were on Howard Stern this morning. They are still living together. She admitted to smoking pot, confessed that she had been molested in a baseball field as a child and sexually abused other times since then, and talked about how she has been with way more girls than guys (less than five guys, way more than five girls). She also said that all she really won from ANTM was a title and $300. She said her Revlon contract was for conferences only, not print modelling. She claims that Tyra tried to keep her from doing The Surreal Life and that Tyra hates her now for "tarnishing the ANTM image". She hates Mrs. Brady (nobody knows any of the Brady's real names, so I'm not bothering with them) and she made fun of Peter Brady for treating her like a surrogate mom. Peter Brady claims that all of his money is from his software developing ventures, and that Marsha got the biggest chunk of the Brady Bunch money."

Photo Credit and Source: ONTD