Wednesday, November 23, 2005

LC and Jason Still On

Hmmm.... I have heard some recent rumors that Jason is no longer with LC but now dating Taylor. I am not sure if there is any truth to that because today Ted Casablanca had this to say about the two..."Lauren "L.C." Conrad and Jason, exiting Kinkos. Mid-Wilshire. In shades and jeans, duh. They couldn't make it to the black Beemer without swappin' a little spit. Can you even imagine what these horn dogs were makin' photocopies of? Well, I just hope they wiped down the Xerox machine after they were, ahem, finished."

Interesting, the rumors about Taylor though could be true check out J. Wahl's MySpace Page. Taylor has been leaving some pretty cutesy messages on the board. Unfortunately, it is always hard to tell if these are real or not?

Source: E! Ted Casablanca