Friday, November 11, 2005

Ted Casablanca's Blind Items Who are they?

Since it is Friday and I am sure we are all ready for the weekend and trying to kill time at work today, someone suggested we play a game, try and figure out all Ted Casablanca's Blind Items. I am down....

To Read all Ted's Blind items CLICK HERE

Pixie Mixie - Nicole Ritchie

Ham Drum - DJ AM

PPP - Paris Hilton, or Jessica Simpson, or Tara Reid

Eve Envy - Ashley Simpson, or Nikki Hilton

Jordache Junkie - Kirsten Dunst (ok I am giving in I think it could be Kirsten)

Gloria Good-Hag - Kirsten Dunst, Angelina Jolie

Morgan Mayhem - Lindsay Lohan

Barker Kumesalot - Charlie Sheen

Melba Toast - Jennifer Aniston

Devon Heaven - Brad Pitt

Croon Whitebread - John Mayer

Toothy Tile (tough one) - Jake Gyllenhaal, or Orlando Bloom

Diandra Dope - Jennifer Aniston

Fudgey Poof - Vince Vaughn

Stanley Manly - Hugh Hefner

Trent Spent - Toby McGuire
