Kristin Cavallari on Letterman Last Night
Ok, I am exhausted today cause I had to stay up late and watch Kristin on Letterman (I am a dork) but I wanted to see how she could handle herself in an interview. To view Kristin on Letterman, CLICK HERE. She seemed really nervous and talked really fast. Her and Dave seemed to have a few awkward moments, and she gave one word answers to all Dave's questions so her appearance didn't last long. Oh I forgot to mention the best the beginning of the show he kept calling her "Kristine" Cavallari. She talked about Laguna and how you were "playing" yourself but it was kind of scripted but she couldn't really talk about it. They actually had to try out for Laguna, like casting calls, and then certain people were asked back. Dave asked if she had a boyfriend and she answered yes, but then Dave kind of cut her off so she didn't really say who it was although we know it's Brody. Dave had no idea who she was.

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