You Must be High if you think Cisco's Hot

Mischa Barton and Cisco Adler, had a screaming match at Miami's Victor Hotel after Adler's rock band (Whitestarr) performed there on New Year's Eve. It is also alleged that Mischa and Cisco managed to calm down with the aid of Marijuana... Wait a minute Cisco gets high? Oh yeah we already knew that. Cisco gets high.
According to Page Six, "Cisco was very angry that Mischa wanted to hang out with some of her other friends, and not exclusively with him," an earwitness e-mailed us. "There was a lot of slamming doors and stomping around and dropping of F-bombs at their $5,000-a-night pool bungalow at the hotel."
Barton, who had a history of tearful tussles with ex-boyfriend Brandon Davis, soon patched things up with Adler after ducking inside their bungalow, which reeked with the fragrant stench of marijuana. The mellowed-out couple later split for the ultra-hot Setai Hotel.
Source: ONTD
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