Jane Magazine's Interview with LC

Well, I'm an intern so I help out with busywork--errands, invitations--basic stuff, but it's a fun job. I got to go to New York for Fashion Week, to deliver a dress.
No, it's a new house. Most of my life I lived in the old house, about 10 minutes away from this house. I lived there, and then my father sold that house too soon, before the new one was gonna be done, so then we had to live in this really creepy haunted house. I saw ghosts--it was the creepiest house. Have you heard the song "Bette Davis Eyes"? It was Bette Davis's old house.
And a woman had just died in it, it was really creepy.
Lo and I would come home very late at night, like after a party, and there'd be this pair of guys who would be holding hands down the stairs. It was a scary house. I hate that house.
Read the entire interview CLICK HERE.
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