Linsay Lohan has jumped on the Kabbalah bandwagon.
Lindsay LohanThe 19-year-old actress has admitted flirting with the religion which has long been the preserve of celebrities such as Madonna, Demi Moore and Britney Spears.
Lohan said: "Yes, I am looking into Kabbalah. All of us need something. You have to grab on to whatever gets you through."
The teen actress says it is the tough nature of Hollywood that has led her to seek salvation in the mystical religion, an off-shoot of Judaism.
She said: "Maybe it's this business, but it seems everything can be so tough, so very hard."
Kabbalah followers claim it is the "oldest, most influential wisdom in all of human history" and other stars to have dabbled with the faith, include Victoria Beckham and former Hole rocker Courtney Love.
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