Tom Cruise wants to put something in Katie's mouth

Katie Holmes gets a baby pacifier from Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise may have found the way to silence Katie Holmes while she gives birth to their child. An adult pacifier!
It is a requirement of their “faith” Scientology that the mother must remain silent, and not utter “bad” words during the birth, in case it harms baby. The silence is required to “save both the sanity of the mother and the child and safeguard the home to which they will go.” The website explains further, "Having a quiet, gentle birth is all about providing the best possible environment for the birthing mother and her new baby."
"He commissioned an adult-sized 'binky' for her to clench between her teeth, hoping that it'll squelch her screams," a source tells Star Magazine. "In keeping with a Scientology silent birth, Tom is prepared to do whatever it takes to muffle Katie's moans and groans during the delivery."
Cruise's PR rep, Arnold Robinson, denied the existence of an adult pacifier. As for its manufacture, a spokeswoman for NYU's School of Dentistry told Lowdown: "We haven't heard of it, but it doesn't mean a dentist wouldn't do it."
The alleged pacifier is said to be made out of plastic, and is molded exactly so it can fit in to the 27 year old Katie’s mouth.
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