Why Tom and Nic really split

It all starts with the cover of Woman's Day and the headline "FBI Tapes Reveal Why Tom and Nicole Split". Inside, below a blurry photo of said ex-couple looking fed up and daggily coiffured, is news of a tape "that reveals why Nic and Tom split". Scandalous details are surely to follow.
It seems an American private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, has taped Kidman and Cruise having "very private and very intimate" phone conversations, possibly discussing "the reasons for their divorce". Rousing stuff. Then, while we're still waiting to hear what made the pair split, WD delivers one almighty waffle about Kidman being "terrified", "distraught", "upset", "panicking", "distressed", "bracing herself", "reliving her nightmare" and "concerned" about the tapes. Must be really bad.
Mere sentences later, WD kicks us in our desperate guts with reports the tapes are so embarrassing, Kidman and Cruise "could retreat out of the Hollywood spotlight completely". While that may be blessed news for many, do we ever learn of the tapes' contents in this huff 'n' puff piece of journalism? No, we do not.
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