Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Lindsay Lohan is a "Firecrotch"

According to TMZ, It was a drama filled night Friday at Hyde, a Hollywood hotspot packed with celebrities. Sources inside the club tell TMZ there was a ton of trash talk between Lindsay Lohan and the Hilton sisters. At one point, sources say, Lindsay and Paris were literally face-to-face in a heated spat. "Paris was having a conversation with a couple friends. Lindsay approached her table and at that moment Paris felt she was being interrupted and didn't wish to speak with Lindsay. A couple of words were exchanged and Lindsay went back to her table. I can understand how other patrons in the club could have thought it had been a bigger deal then it actually was."

TMZ's own Josh Levine caught up with Nicky, Paris and their friend Brandon Davis leaving the club, who had a few choice words of his own to say about the redheaded star. Brandon Davis called Lindsay "Firecrotch!"

Watch the video CLICK HERE.

Source: TMZ