Steven Tyler bounces back from hep C

After a grueling, 11-month stint of interferon therapy, Steven Tyler says hepatitis C 'is nonexistent in my bloodstream — where it's like a complete cure.' Aerosmith's Steven Tyler has been secretly battling hepatitis C — a serious viral infection of the blood, often associated with dirty needles, that can lead to chronic liver disease.
But the 58-year-old recovering drug addict tells "Access Hollywood's" Nancy O'Dell that after a year of interferon treatments, "It is nonexistent in my bloodstream … where it's like a complete cure." In an interview airing tomorrow night, Tyler says he was diagnosed three years ago but "I've had hepatitis C for a long time, asymptomatic.
"I've been pretty quiet about this," he says. "The band took a break about three years ago. … [My doctor] said now is the time, and it's 11 months of chemotherapy" — actually, interferon, which strengthens the immune system — "so I went on that, and it about killed me."
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