Kevin and Britney’s Divorce Turns Nasty

In the days leading up to the public declaration of their divorce, Britney faced her worst fears and suspicions that she had harbored throughout her marriage to Kevin Federline. On November 2nd, Britney was seen sobbing after Kevin was flirting with other women. Then on November 4th at the Regency Hotel, Britney walking in on Kevin with another woman in his room. Hotel officials say that Britney dialed her lawyer right then and there, and a short three days later revealed her motion for divorce and full custody of their two children. But even though Britney has finally put an end to their rocky marriage, her troubles aren’t quite behind her yet.
Reports have again surfaced of a steamy sex tape involving Britney and Kevin, only two days after Britney filed for divorce. The tape could make up to $200 million if it sees the light of day, dwarfing the profits from Paris Hilton’s sex-tape sales. However, many think that K-Fed may be behind the tape’s conveniently timed arrival. He signed and iron-clad pre-nup at Britney’s insistence before they wed, and only stands to receive $300,000 alimony for two years of Britney’s estimated $100 million net worth. K-Fed has tried other slimy moves to get more money, such as filing for sole custody of the kids against Britney’s motion, and flinging accusations that she only used him to father the two children she always wanted to finagle a better settlement. However, with at least four confirmed sightings of Kevin with other women, including former adult movie star Kendra Jade, Britney is ready to be rid of this two-timing loser, and reportedly told her lawyer that she would pay up to $15 million just to get him to go away! After regaining her killer body, and setting up recording with A-list producers such as Pharrell Williams and Scott Scorch she’s ready to get her life and career back on track without her now Fed-Ex.
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