Monday, November 06, 2006

VICTORIA Beckham has confessed that her son Romeo is battling epilepsy

Posh and Becks were "devastated" when specialists confirmed that their four-year-old middle child has the brain condition which causes violent fits. Sufferers can die during an attack and many have to take medication for the rest of their lives. Posh has revealed that she and David are now terrified flash photos will spark an epileptic fit that could kill him. The world's most-photographed celebrity family are desperate to protect little Romeo from fans and paparazzi eager to get a snap.

Romeo, who turned four just five weeks ago, has been warned to avoid flashing lights known to cause potentially-fatal seizures. The frightened youngster reacted violently after being photographed at Heathrow last Saturday as he returned to Britain from Madrid with Posh and brothers Brooklyn, seven, and Cruz, one. Initially he shielded his eyes against the flashes as his mother pushed him through the terminal building in his buggy and out to a waiting car. He then started screaming in terror and lashing out with his legs as one photographer pressed his camera inside the car and started flashing. Only then did horrified Posh, 32, reveal the truth about brave Romeo's dangerous condition. She pulled her blond-headed son to her, shielded him from the lights and yelled: "Leave him alone. "He's got epilepsy. All that flashing will start an epileptic fit. You can't do that!"

