Saturday, January 13, 2007

Madge Disses Britney

As if people aren’t picking enough on Britney Spears, ex best friend Madonna is trying to get in on the action as well. Sure, Britney has made some mistakes in the past, but Madonna seems to have a lapse of memory regarding her own past.

In what could only be a dig at Britney, the attention seeking singer told David Letterman on last nights show: “I’ve been hearing these stories. It’s dreadful,” Madonna said. “Honestly, I live in England and so, I get – I’m pretty cut off from a lot of these stories. I only read stuff about, or hear stuff about the Royal Family. And so I’ve come to New York and the first thing I hear is about everyone not wearing their underpants. What’s going on? … It’s freezing outside!”

Dave reminded Madonna about the time she brought him a pair of her underpants as a gift and told the singer that he still had them.”Maybe you could send them to Britney” she added.

