Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ivanka Trump: I'm no Paris Hilton!

Looks like a feud between heiresses might be brewing.

Ivanka Trump has some pretty harsh words for Paris Hilton — and says she is nothing like the hotel heiress, and is tired of being compared to her.

“I work 13-hour days for my money,” the 25-year-old former model, who now works for dad Donald’s business, told the London Express. “I bought my house from my father — I have a mortgage, you know.”

She says she’s not at all like that “party kid” Hilton.

“I think we are totally different individuals,” Trump said. “If I were to go off the rails and become this party kid, I would not be able to afford my lifestyle. I’ve never had a sense of entitlement. I saw how hard my father worked for his money and it was always made very clear to me that things wouldn’t just be given to me.”
