Britney Spears’ comeback performance was postponed

The“Toxic” singer had been quietly preparing to do a surprise live show ata Los Angeles nightclub, according to sources, but at the last minute,she cancelled.
According to various sources, Spears had been rehearsing at the Forty Deuce inLos Angeles for a Wednesday show complete with backup dancers, but atthe last minute, cancelled.
“She wants to get back to performing on asmall scale before she gets back in front of a big crowd,” according toa source, who says the singer apparently thought that the club, whichis known for its burlesque shows, would be a good place for her firstpost-rehab appearance.
Despiterepeated rehearsals, at the last minute, someone decided Spears wasn’tquite ready and the show was nixed, according to sources. It may berescheduled.
The current buzz is that Spears will make a surprise appearance at one or more House of Blues in Southern California this week.
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