Friday, November 18, 2005

There Baaack - Ted Casablanca Blind Items

You guys are pretty good at this and since I now believe "Jordache Junkie" is Britney Murphy, I thought I would post them again. If you want to check out the comments from last time CLICK HERE

Try and figure out Ted Casablanca's Blind Items.

To Read all Ted's Blind items CLICK HERE

Pixie Mixie - It's Nicole Ritchie

Ham Drum - It's DJ AM

PPP - Paris Hilton

Eve Envy - Nikki Hilton (it's not Ashley Simpson or Hayley Duff)

Jordache Junkie - Britney Murphy or Keira Knightly, Kirsten Dunst

Gloria Good-Hag - Keira Knightley or Sienna Miller or Penelope Cruz, or Naomi Watts (its not Angelina Jolie)

Bill Bisexual - Jude Law

Morgan Mayhem - Lindsay Lohan

Barker Kumesalot - Charlie Sheen

Melba Toast - Jennifer Aniston

Devon Heaven - Brad Pitt

Croon Whitebread - John Mayer

Toothy Tile (He has dimples....tough one) -It's Jake Gyllenhaal

Diandra Dope - Jennifer Aniston

Fudgey Poof - Vince Vaughn

Stanley Manly - Hugh Hefner

Trent Spent - Toby McGuire

Chump Dump - Eddie Murphy
