Pregnancy Test and Cocoa Puffs delivered to Lindsay Lohan in hospital
According to Best Week Ever, "A friend of Lindsay Lohan returns to Mount Sinai Medical Center with some shopping including a Pregnancy Test. The woman left the hospital in the early hours of Wednesday with Lindsay Lohan's limo driver. She returned to the Emergency Department at 1:30 am with several overnight bags and food shopping including a Pregnancy test, Playing cards, mouthwash, Coke, and a box of Cocoa Puffs. The friend declined to comment on Lindsay's condition."
I don't know about this one... Might be a little far fetched. I am thinking whomever "this friend" is maybe while doing a few errands for Lindsay she picked up a test for herself. I mean Lindsay is in a hospital. However, maybe Lindsay didn't want anyone from the hosipital leaking this information so she went for the store bought kind instead.
I guess the lesson for the day is... Always choose Paper over Plastic!

Source: ONTD and Post Chronicle
I don't know about this one... Might be a little far fetched. I am thinking whomever "this friend" is maybe while doing a few errands for Lindsay she picked up a test for herself. I mean Lindsay is in a hospital. However, maybe Lindsay didn't want anyone from the hosipital leaking this information so she went for the store bought kind instead.
I guess the lesson for the day is... Always choose Paper over Plastic!

Source: ONTD and Post Chronicle
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