Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tom Talks 'Great Sex'

Cruise declares in the May issue of GQ that getting intimate with someone you're not in love with is "really horrible and pathetic and lonely. And yech." Sex, he says, "is about the connection. Great sex is a by-product, for me, of a great relationship, where you have communication and it's an extension of that. Where it's just ... free. And that's how it should be. It's spectacular. If you're not in good communication with your partner, it sucks." The communication between Tom and the about-to-blow Katie must really be "amazing," because he claims he knew she was carrying his progeny before she did.

"Oh, I -- I looked at her. And I went, 'You're gonna tell me if you're pregnant, aren't you?' It was a moment where ... It was one of those things," he (sort of) explains. "I just picked something up. And I knew at that moment she was pregnant. 'Cuz I notice things in people."

Um ok whatever to read the rest of Crazy Cruise view's CLICK HERE.

Photos from May issue of GQ