Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Jessica's Back for Trysts With Nick?

Have Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey been caught in a romantic tryst? That's what a report suggests as apparently the pair have been sneaking off to the San Fernando Valley to meet in what is described as 'discreet hotels." But is it true? Nick would seem to have to work Jessica into his very busy schedule of dating, but the two are very familiar and still very married. The romantics will be cheering for this.

One of those is gossip king Mike Walker and as earlier reported by Lynda Johnson he writes that the pair are meeting at discreet hotels in the Valley and he writes that Jessica reportedly dished to a source: "We still have our problems, but we're still very attached to each other." She continued, according to the source by adding "We still have the need for love and affection."

The report says that Jessica is shy about the whole affair - or really non-affair as they are still legally married. Walker even reiterates his 10-1 prediction that the pair will never divorce and will reunite. Lynda concludes - Jess and Nick fans will be hoping he's right with his Vegas like prediction. No kidding - their fans are passionately holding on for the pair to reunite.
