Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ooops She Did It Again!

First Mommy Spears-est got nailed for driving with her baby son in her lap like a toy poodle. Now she could be busted for improperly installing a child safety seat in her car, state officials say. Britney was spotted tooling around in her convertible Mini Cooper with 8-month-old Sean Preston slumped over in a forward-facing car seat. Federal regulations say kiddie seats should face backward until a child is a year old.

"It's far safer if the seat is facing backwards to avoid head-on injuries and whiplash in case of a collision," said California Highway Patrol spokesman Tom Marshall. Spears, 24, "could be" cited for violating Section 27360 of the California Vehicle Code, which says child safety seats must be installed to comply with the federal standard. "We would have to witness the violation. We can't issue a citation from a photograph," Marshall said. "It's a bit of a gray area," he added, because state code doesn't specify the backward installation - a federal regulation does.

Spears, who recently confirmed she's expecting a second child, and hubby Kevin Federline rushed Sean to the hospital last month for a bumped noggin after he fell from a highchair that reportedly "snapped" and broke while a nanny was lifting him out. Child welfare officials investigated but cleared the couple of any wrongdoing.

In February, Spears got a visit and a warning from the cops after she was photographed driving illegally with her son in her lap. She admitted she "made a mistake" but blamed paparazzi for hounding her.

