Nick Has a Small...... (You Know What).....

Jessica Simpson has been quoted by Times magazine saying "Nick Lachey didn't pack too well if you know what I mean, but I got over it." Now by just looking at Nick Lachey, I could easily tell he doesn't pack much under the belt. He has the good looks, good body, he is rich and he can sing. These traits can only lead to him having a small penis, it would not be fair if he got all those traits and then some, you get where I am going with this? Wait, there is more.
On August 1st, 2006, Jessica Simpson was once again quoted saying more 'trash' about her ex-husband, she was quoted saying, "Nick's small package was a problem sometimes, like the first time we had sex, to tell you the truth, I didn't really feel much, I faked the whole thing, I really felt sorry for him, I still loved him though."
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