Lotta exposure for Cindy's girl

One shows the 5-year-old daughter of Crawford and nightclub owner Rande Gerber posing topless, peeking over her left shoulder at the camera, with white shorts with a lower-back tattoo. Others show her in a string bikini. "We've gotten calls from all over the place - from 'Access Hollywood,' all over the place," corporate flack Roberta Correia told Lowdown. "Unfortunately, we are not able to release any of the pictures or info on the Melissa Odabash shoot," she added in an E-mail. "The pictures are actually no longer going to be on the Web site." Asked why not, Correia didn't respond.
The Kaya photos have provoked a storm of criticism in recent days. "The tattoo, whether real or not, is the first thing that bothers me," one critic wrote on babyrazzi.com, a blog about celebrity baby pictures. "It is for sure an adult pose. Yes, JonBenet comes to mind."
Another critic wrote: "The topless one with the back tattoo and the provocative pose borders on kiddie porn. The child is cute and makes an excellent model, but the poses and the swimsuits are far too sexualized for children. Shame on you, Cindy, to let your 5-year-old baby participate in this." The photos are posted here Click Here. They are making alot of people uncomfortable so I am not going to post them.
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