Is Angelina Anorexic?

When Angelina arrived at the Golden Globes on Jan. 15, many were shocked by how frail the once curvaceous actress looked. The recent death of her beloved mother may push her over the edge; she has barely been eating at all. “She’s rail thin,” says a source of Angie, who is estimated to carry just 118 lbs on her 5’7” frame, while 140 pounds is the norm for her height.
“You’re afraid to hug her because she might break.” “Angie doesn’t seem to have a healthy appetite,” a source says. “When she’s depressed or stressed, it’s worse.” It seems that even before her mom’s death, food wasn’t that important to Angie. She reportedly fainted three times times last October while shooting a movie in India , and a source said at the time, “She’s surviving on trail mix.” Brad is now deeply concerned about how thin she’s become. “He’s worried. He tries to plan meals, but she doesn tseem interested.
Source and Thanks Popbytes for the Star Cover!
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