Tobey Maguire Talks to Parade

On growing up in a broken family:
“I always felt that there were people in my life who cared about me—that I was special to them…But the truth of the matter is, I realized at a young age that I was responsible for myself. My feelings of love or security or happiness—they were all in my own hands. I had plenty of difficult emotional and scary times as a kid, but I don’t dwell on it.”
On managing his ginormous bank account:
“When I first started being successful at this, financially speaking, I was very conservative with my money….You know those lottery winners who win big and then blow through all the money? That would never happen to me. My mentality about that has changed a bit.”
On raising his 5 month-old daughter, Ruby, in La La Land:
L.A. is my home, and I have a lot of friends here. But I’m at the stage where I have to start thinking about where I want Ruby to grow up and go to school…maybe it would be a good idea to try a different, less ambitious kind of atmosphere."
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