Lindsay's Revenge Backfires!

Lindsay Lohan hatched a devious plan to make her ex-boyfriend Harry Morton so jealous that he'd fly back into her arms and drive her nemesis Paris Hilton crazy at the same time - but so far, the strategy hasn't worked. On Friday, the day after Morton dumped Lohan and she mysteriously turned up at arch-rival Hilton's house for a party, Lohan's rep Leslie Sloane Zelnik chirped that Lohan and Morton were back together.
But it wasn't so. The devious redhead was overheard calling Hilton's ex-love Stavros Niarchos on Saturday to ask for help in getting her revenge. According to our earwitness, Lohan told Niarchos, "No one can know I got dumped . . . You will look like a total stud, and it will drive Paris crazy [if we hang out together]."
Niarchos, who fooled around with Hilton just last week, was amenable to the plan. And so the pair appeared Sunday at Dragonfly in L.A. "where they held hands and made out all night and then drove in separate cars back to [Lohan's] suite at the Chateau."
Zelnik didn't return calls.
But Morton hasn't swallowed the bait. Spies say Morton, who is sober and does not like to party, broke it off with Lohan because, "She was just too much for him. He tried to calm her down and succeeded a little bit - but it was exhausting. That, and she was extremely jealous and would harass him with texts, e-mails and phone calls constantly."
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