Britney More Charitable Than Leo

Britney Spears gave almost as much money in 2005 to the phony baloney Kabbalah Centre in Hollywood as Leonardo DiCaprio contributed in total to charitable causes.
Indeed, Spears — who just settled her expensive divorce from Kevin Federline — forked over $30,000 to Spirituality for Kids, a division of the Kabbalah Centre, the same group that Madonna also lavishes with tax-free cash gifts. This is according to the most recent federal tax filing of the Britney Spears Foundation.
In total, Britney gave away $590,000 in 2005, including $350,000 to relief programs related to Hurricane Katrina. Spears donated $175,000 alone to Habitat for Humanity.
On the other hand — and just by comparison for a celebrity of her generation and income — actor Leonardo DiCaprio only gave away $48,025 in 2005 to a handful of groups from his own registered tax-exempt foundation.
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